
Well, today,

I guess I mowed the lawn.

I guess I read Mary Oliver.

I guess I meditated for 5 minutes

(excepting when the squirrels in the yard started fighting and I got distracted).

I guess I haven’t cried that much.

I guess I did some sit-ups.

I guess I only watched 3 movies.

I guess, I guess, I guess.

Belle had it right…

The world has been dark lately. I feel pretty helpless and sad a lot of the time, but in the past week something beautiful has happened. I started saying “good morning” to every person I made eye contact with. Usually it was people trying to sell newspapers outside the metro, but I didn’t limit myself. black and white

I expected to be ignored or that people would assume I wasn’t saying “good morning” to them specifically. I expected that it’d just be my own exercise in repetition – maybe if I say it enough, my morning will end up being good.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, has been saying it back. The morning is patterned with horns honking, high heels click clacking on the pavement, and now a chorus of “good morning!”

Its small, the smallest gesture there could be – but it is something.